The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Defeating Negative Self-Criticizing Thought Patterns

Defeating Negative Self-Criticizing Thought Patterns “You are your own worst enemy.” You’ve heard it before, haven’t you? Some people get trapped in their own minds and ultimately find it impossible to move in any direction because of it. They make no progression...

Can Music Help You with Your Diet?

Can Music Help You with Your Diet? Dieting can be difficult particularly when you are stressed. Picture this scenario: You are returning home after a grueling day. What’s the first thing you will likely grab to eat? Probably some comfort food. When we are upset we...

A Singer Who Overcame Vocal Cord Paralysis

A Singer Who Overcame Vocal Cord Paralysis Vocal cord paralysis is exactly what it sounds like, it is when the vocal folds (more commonly known as vocal cords) are unable to move. Vocal cord paralysis can impact one or both vocal cords It is typically caused by nerve...

The Problem with the Term “World Music”?

The Problem with the Term “World Music”? The term ‘world music’ was originally used to describe all other music that was ‘non-western’. The intention was to support and promote music from other cultures. The problem is this term is not only outdated but offensive as...

Copyrighting Music

Copyrighting Music People have different views when it comes to copyrighted material. Some believe that it’s good, others don’t really support it, and there are some who fall somewhere between the two. The general consensus of the latter group is that it’s good to...
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