The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Quality Key Blogs

What Impacts Global Music Popularity?

What Impacts Global Music Popularity? Have you ever wondered why music across all countries are not equally popular on a global scale? There are quite a few factors that play a significant role in the popularity of music as it relates to music. First and foremost is...


Hyperacusis Hyperacusis is a disorder that makes suffers unable to deal with everyday noises. Sounds can seem amplified, even if others don’t seem to notice then. It goes without saying that this hearing disorder can be very disruptive in everyday life. Some sounds...

Are Synesthetes Better Musicians?

Are Synesthetes Better Musicians?    Synesthesia refers to a neurological condition in which two or more senses are activated simultaneously. Synesthetes, as you may have guessed, refers to people with this fascinating neurological condition. There are over 70...

Can Music Help Break Social Norms?

Can Music Help Break Social Norms? We are largely shaped by social factors. Strict social norms determine normality’s in our day to day lives dictating many of our actions, thoughts, and behaviors. Humans want to instinctively belong and going against certain social...

How Music can make your Vacation More Memorable

How Music can make your Vacation More Memorable “A vacation helps to relieve stress and boredom, gives us a change of scenery, provides us with adventure, and helps to bring us closer to the people in our lives.” – E. S. Woods Music is an incredibly powerful stimulus,...

Music Research

Music Research   Music research may not be readily discussed, mainly because it seems like music is slowly losing prevalence in schools (particularly schools with little funding). While music may never become completely irrelevant the access and fostering an...

The Importance of Music Videos

The Importance of Music Videos   Music videos have been a source of income and a form of art long before YouTube, with televised stations, such as MTV helping to integrate them into our culture and our lives. Music videos are a form of art and can add additional...

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Overcoming Performance Anxiety   Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stressful situations. It primes us to fight or flee. This natural response elevates our heart rate and increases breathing so that we will have the oxygen needed to move quickly, however,...

In Reference to Guitars: What is Fingerstyle?  

In Reference to Guitars: What is Fingerstyle? Fingerstyle is an incredibly versatile and beautiful style to play the guitar. The technique involves guitarist plucking the guitar’s strings directly by using their fingertips, fingernails, or a guitar pick. This is...

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