The Quality Key
The Quality Key

What’s on your Playlist?

The music on your playlist may have a greater effect on you that you think. In a previous blog we briefly discussed that music can have an effect on one’s mood. Does that mean that your entire mood and how you go about your day is dictated by the type of music you...

Love Songs

Love Songs Almost everyone has heard a love song and most artists it seems, have written, composed, played or sung at least one and it is a very popular song topic. Why is this the case? Love is perhaps the most intrinsic human emotion. Almost everyone can relate and...

Music: The Reverb of your Soul

There are countless studies, articles, and videos about the benefits of music. From music therapy, to how different frequencies of music can positively or negatively impact your mood, health, and general well-being. According to the American Music Therapy Association...
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