The Quality Key
The Quality Key


Hanukkah Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration (more appropriately referred to as a festival) celebrating the rededication of the holy temple. As the story goes the lands that were deemed holy were ruled by the Greeks, who tried to make those who inhabited Israel...

The Shape of your Words

The Shape of your Words If your words manifested in a physically tangible way, what shape would they be? Would they be round and smooth, or sharp with ridged edges? Would they be soft like a rose petal or prickly like thorns? Auliq Ice’s quote is a good bit of advice...

Never Stop Fighting for your Dreams

Never Stop Fighting for your Dreams There are times in life when you’ll feel like giving up, maybe you’re not progressing the way you want to, or perhaps life keeps getting in the way. At times, you may even feel like you’re not good enough. There are many reasons a...

Why We Listen to Sad Songs when Experiencing Sadness

Why We Listen to Sad Songs when Experiencing Sadness Sad songs, we’ve listened to them, sung them, and embraced their meanings. They can be nice to listen to when you’re not sad, but they strike a certain cord with us when we are sad. It’s more difficult for a person...

Traversing the Contours of the Human Condition to your Dreams

Traversing the Contours of the Human Condition to your Dreams The human condition is defined as events that comprise the human experience which is classified as essential for human existence. Birth, growth, emotions, aspirations, and desires are all elements of the...
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