The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Why Vinyl Records Will Never Go Out of Style

 Why Vinyl Records Will Never Go Out Of Style   Records have been a part of music for decades now. Also called vinyl records these grooved disks were used to play music. While you may not be able to find records without going to a specialty store or shopping...


Mixtapes History is the foundation for which the present is built. With that understanding, the mediums people used to enjoy and experience the past helps to truly conceptualize just how far we’ve come. A mixtape (as the name suggests) is a tape with a compilation of...

Transcribing Music

Transcribing Music Transcribing music can mean one of two things. On one hand, it can mean to notate a piece of music but, it can also mean rewriting a piece of music to be played on another instrument (a different instrument from what the song was originally played...

The Benefits of Learning and Practicing Music in a Group

The Benefits of Learning and Practicing Music in a Group Learning music is a fantastic and extremely beneficial endeavor. Music helps the development of many skills, such as vocal training, fine motor skills, or attunement in hearing (depending on which aspect of...

Could Music be the Key to Remaining Young?

Could Music be the Key to Remaining Young? “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Berthold Auerbach Music has some truly amazing properties. In previous blogs, we discussed its impacts on memory and cognition. Music also has the capacity to...
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