The Quality Key
The Quality Key

The Role of Music in Nostalgia

The Role of Music in Nostalgia   “Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging,...


Shape-Note If you’ve ever been in choir you may have learned solfège, which is used to teach pitch and sight reading. Even if you’ve never heard of solfège you may have heard of the seven symbols used to represent notes (such as in the famous Jackson 5 song ABC). C,...

Music and the Hippocampus

Music and the Hippocampus   “If a song is a living, breathing entity, you might think of the tempo as its gait—the rate at which it walks by—or its pulse—the rate at which the heart of the song is beating.” ― Daniel J. Levitin We know that music has a tremendous...

How Music Impacts our Eating Patterns

How Music Impacts our Eating Patterns   Music is quite an amazing thing. It has sway over more than just our emotions but our eating habits as well. According to a study published by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, music can greatly impact your...

The Latent Trait for being a Famous Musician

The Latent Trait for being a Famous Musician There is a lot that goes into being a musician. Everything from ear training to learning how to read Music could be in a musicians’ repertoire of skill sets and knowledge. The beautiful thing is that not all musicians need...
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