The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Music and Empowerment

Music and EmpowermentEmpowerment is sometimes underrepresented, but it is a crucial element to feeling like you are in control. Music can be used in a multitude of ways to help people feel and facilitate empowerment.Listening to music is the first-way that music can...

Stage Fright: Examining the Fear of Singing in Front of Others

Stage Fright: Examining the Fear of Singing in Front of Others“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the...

What is Sound Design?

What is Sound Design?When many of us think of design we picture something visual such as interior design, web design, or many of the other things we see. However, sound design is unique in unlike designs that rely on visuals; they are designs that need to be...

Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness with Music

Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness with Music   Even though we are more connected to others than ever through social media and the internet in general, we can still get lonely. Maybe due to our work, we feel isolated, or perhaps our relationships with others feel...

Are There any Actual Benefits to Singing in the Shower?

Are There any Actual Benefits to Singing in the Shower? “The shower is my time to open up my operatic chops, because of the enormous echo. You sound five times as big in the shower, so I break into some “Nessun Dorma” from Puccini ‘s Turandot...
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