The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Binaural Beats

Beats at regular intervals and rhythms are used today and have been used for centuries in many cultures from Hinduism to Native American shamans. This regular pattern of sound comes in many forms from chanting to drumming and is said to aid in inducing the brain to being able to transcend consciousness. Regular beats can also be used to aid in meditation. Some people meditate to help them relax, others use it to help them focus. There exist speculated beats known as Binaural (meaning “relating to both ears”) beats that are used for a variety of purposes including meditation and prayer.
Binaural beats are said to be able to help with a variety of things from meditation and healing to sleep and increased information processing. These beats work in a fairly particular manner. Basically, different frequencies are sent through both ears simultaneously. Because of this, it is more effective when wearing headphones. The brain perceives the difference between the two frequencies, this is the frequency in which the brain responds to.
Depending on the frequencies that the brain perceives determines the state. There are different brainwave states, each one is associated with different befits. Some of the brainwave states are as follows, Delta, which helps with achieving a deep sleep, Theta, which is great for meditation, Alpha, which is good for relaxed focus, Beta, which is associated with higher cognition, and Gamma which is known for adding in cognitive enhancement.
Not all binaural beats are created specifically for meditation, and many that you will encounter will have music overplayed with them. This can be a pleasant experience and just as effective as listening to the raw beat. Binaural beats can be used for aid in the mind, body, and spirit. Stress relief, chakra, healing, and even astral projection. Many of these special beats can be found on YouTube.

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