The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Burnt out on Christmas Music?


The winter holidays bring with them a certain feeling, for some, it’s joy and excitement, for others, not so much. Often times stores and other public areas will start putting up Christmas decorations and playing Christmas music well before Thanksgiving is over. While this is exciting and thrilling for some not all share the sentiment. Thanks to the commercialization of this popular holiday Christmas is not as simple as it once was. Many people feel that Christmas has lost its meaning as it’s been shrouded in marketing ploys for the profits of companies and businesses.

Music plays a part in causing some people more than a little overwhelmed by the holiday’s approach. This is particularly true for people who work in malls and stores. A job position such as this brings along certain stress factors and the familiar sounds of Christmas music can intensify the stress due to the knowledge that crowds, rushes, and thefts will all increase as a result of the holidays.

It seems like Christmas starts earlier and earlier each year – as indicated by decorations and music which some stores put up as early as October. From a marketing perspective, this may not be a bad thing as it may push potential customers to ‘start their Christmas shopping earlier. However, it may also be an unwelcome thing, too because the holidays of the latter part of the year are often overshadowed and it can be a less than pleasant reminder for some people for any number of reasons.

Some stores have decided to limit their Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving. This may help ease come of the tension felt and allow their costumes to focus on the events at hand.

Regardless of if you are burnt out on Christmas music or not, we hope you have a happy and safe holiday season!

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