The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Ear Training: Learning How to Hear sounds from Further Away

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to hear things from far away? What If I told you that it’s possible with just a little bit of practice?

There is ear training for music, but training your ears can go much farther than being able to detect pitch changes. With proper training and focus, you can train your ears to hear things that others might miss. Perhaps the best way to do this is just to practice. In order to hear things farther away, you must learn to listen past the noises that are closer to you. If you aren’t living in a particularly noisy area then this will be easier. Go out at night and try to listen past the sounds of crickets chirping in the grass. What do you hear beyond the sounds closest to you? Depending on where you live you may hear a highway or a plane in the sky. The more you practice the better you will become at it.

Because our word is so bombarded with sound many of us don’t really focus on training our ears to their fullest potential. With proper training, you can train your ears to hear things at great distances. It takes consistency and awareness, but the results can be quite fun and with enough practice, focusing won’t be necessary any longer.

There are a few things to keep in mind one is that buildings and nearby objects may distort the sound as well as the direction you think it’s coming from, so some sound directional training may be of help. Another thing to make note of is that it may be difficult to tune out noises from far away after the training particularly if your immediate vicinity is quiet. If you are sensitive to noises then you may want to consider getting some headphones or sound cancellation earbuds should the need ever arise.

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