The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Having a Music Degree in Today’s Job Market

The job market has changed significantly over the years. Even if you attended college, obtained a degree, and stayed on the path that you felt would lead you to success, life can other times present you with obstacles. Some obstacles you will face today didn’t exist in years past. Speaking frankly having a college degree simply doesn’t carry the same weight as it did before, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t obtain one if it’s the path you want to peruse, however, it’s more difficult to obtain a job with just a degree alone. This is true for music and arts degrees as well.
There are many options for you regardless of the degree you have. According to the Washington Post, only 27% of college graduates have a job that is related to their major. Your employability increases if you are more flexible with how you work and if you have a large set of skill sets. In having a large skill set you become a more valuable employee. For a frame of reference here are some skills music educators said were important for them.
Naturally, there is being a musician. Beyond that the ability to improvise as well as learning technology are just a few necessary skills sets in today’s world as a music education. Some educators taking a few calculated fanatical risks are needed (particularly as it relates to investing in yourself, your skills, talents, and goals).
Regardless of the path you choose, if you reach your goals in a direct manner or take the scenic route you can achieve your goals. One of the things that will help you make it, not just in the job market but in life as well as confidence and the strong belief in yourself and your ability.

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