The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Is it More Difficult to Become a Music Legend Now than it was in the Past?


Who doesn’t want to be a music legend? Your music will live on and you’ll be immortalized in music history forever. In the past (like now) one had to work to attain the title of legend. It took talent and practice, however, there are more factors at play now than ever before, which may make your road to becoming a legendary musician that much more difficult.

A change in the times

Let’s face facts there seems to be more competition not than ever before. As a musician, you’re competing with the music industry, sure, but there is also YouTubers, and indie artists as well. Luckily Music isn’t like bar soap or a physical product with brand loyalty, so people can have interests in more than one artist, but still, it can be difficult to stand out amongst the competition.

Differences in opinions

Some people, like Michael Jackson, may be considered legendary by the vast majority of individuals, but still who is “great” is a matter of opinion. If someone were to create a list of “musical legends” you can bet that someone will disagree, or have some input. The fact of the matter is that everyone has their own beliefs on who is considered a legend, and what being a legend actually entails.

The age gap

Another factor to consider is the age gap. If you talk to a person 20 years your junior or senior, you’ll get very different answers to the question of musical legendary status. In the past when the pool of musician was relatively small, however today, there are so many people, to choose from and it’s impossible to listen to them all.

In some ways it may actually be more difficult for a person to become a music legend due to the sheer volume of competition, but that only means that if you do achieve the status of legend then you truly are worth your salt.

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