The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Can Music Save a Life?

The sheer contrast between music and the harshness of reality can be almost jarring in certain situations. Life is constantly changing, and it is not uncommon to hear stories of people falling from grace. Life is often unpredictable and there is little absolute security in it. Simply put, life is hard. There are times when people need something to hold on to, something to distract them, something to pull them from reality, even if only for a moment. Music can offer a respite from life, and while it is not the only way to escape, it is relatively easy for a person to immerse themselves in it. This immersion and escapism are more than just a good sound. Viewing this from a psychological perspective music activates many regions of the brain adding to ones’ cognitive load. Paired with an actual task (such as working or studying) and you have a recipe for not becoming as distracted. Additionally, the increasing of a person’s cognitive load can make it more difficult to devote his or her mental processes to things like worries or fears. The impacts of music will naturally vary from person to person, for some, it will impact them physically (like reduce blood pressure or alter heart rhythm). For others, the music will aid in a mental or even spiritual aspect (like inspiring the feelings of being a part of something much larger than themselves or offering a creative outlet for things like self-expression). Just feeling different about your life can be enough to change it in any direction. Feel negative and you can destroy it, feel positive and you can save or improve it. Even if it only acts as a catalyst for a different outcome music is a driving force in the lives of so many.

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