The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Musical Chairs

Musical chairs is a popular game in which people march (or dance) to music around a circle of chairs. When the music stops the players must scramble to get in a seat. The total number of chairs to players is offset by one so in each round one person will be left without a chair to sit in. When that happens, the standing individual is out of the game and one more chair is removed. This game is often used as a fun pass time, but some people have used it as a way to teach as well.

One lesson though through this game centers around is the changes in the ecosystem. This game is used to help illustrate that over time the environment will change. Musical chairs is played alongside the reading of informational passages to help solidify the lesson.

Having fun and teaching lessons is not where this beloved game ends. Did you know the term musical chairs is also an idiom? It is used to describe the moving of people, such as the practice of shuffling employees around from one position to another in a company, or it can be used as a way to describe moving things, such as furniture, around.

This popular game has been the source of memories and fun times with friends and loved ones for multiple people. It has even inspired several creepypastas. A creepypasta is a sort of internet urban legend. The name is a play on the words ‘copy paste’. These internet urban legends are spread through boards and internet forms (you copy and paste them from one location to another). One such story is called ‘Musical Chairs Alone’ if scary stories are your bid then check out how a seemingly innocent and fun game can take on a creepy twist, you may find a new appreciation for the game.

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