The Quality Key
The Quality Key



Reverb or reverberation is an effect created when soundwaves bounce off surfaces. This effect is easily noticed in large halls or rooms. Even after the source of the sound has stopped the sound will still linger for a while. A reverb can almost sound a bit like a constant echo that fades away with time. We are exposed to reverb relatively frequently, so much so, in fact, that our brains tend to tune it out, omitting the sound as background noise. However, reverberations can be used intentionally to create a unique sound in your music.

There are many different types of reverbs, perhaps the one you’re most accustomed to is acoustic reverbs from a guitar. Reverberations are tremendously valuable to guitarists. It can thicken the playing and fill up the space between notes. There are a lot of different types of reverbs; the most popular type is artificially created and known as mechanical reverb. Some programs, like Adobe Audition, that can add reverb to sounds as well.

Reverberation adds excellent quality to the song. It draws attention to what was said and depending on how it’s used can create an impactful and emotional aspect of the song. In music, many tools and techniques can be utilized to enhance your song. However, music is a bit like cooking, and each word, note, and technique is a separate ingredient that does something different for the dish. Sometimes small, other times large, but with each ingredient, something is added. With music and cooking what and how things are added will impact the result as a whole. Not all dishes need many ingredients to be good; similarly, other recipes have a plethora of ingredients and are delicious as well. Ultimately, there will be someone who likes the result, because we all have different tastes and preferences.  

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