The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Self-Management Tips for Musicians that will make a World of a Difference


Musicians have a lot to keep track of, from release dates to tour events, as such having an organized plan of action and schedule is absolutely crucial. Unlike a typical day job, a musician can end up being almost anywhere at any given time. Additionally, many of them are in charge of managing themselves and their work, it is a completely different set up from what many of us are used to. Here are some tips that will help with self-management.

Firstly, consider any prep work that needs to be done and how often, if it is daily work, for example, then try to mark out a time slot to get it done. If possible try to have the same or a similar environment when completing routine tasks. Another thing that can be of tremendous help is to set up reminders and perhaps incorporate a shared calendar (if you are in a group). Let’s face it, you’re not a computer and if an unexpected event pops up you’ll want to have the extra assurance that you won’t forget about an event or task. Setting up a shared calendar via smartphone app or email is now easier than ever before.

Another thing that you may find useful is packing a special gig kit in case of emergencies. You never know when something may go awry. Even small but necessary things can be of help, extra cables for sound equipment, batteries, guitar picks etc. this way you won’t be running around looking for things you’ll need for your gig at the last moment. Self-management is not as easy as it seems, it takes determination and will power, but with dedication and the right tools in place, it can be made easier.

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