The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Sensory Deprivation to Boost Creativity


Sensory deprivation is a process that entails removing external stimuli for a period of time. The act is deliberate and usually controlled. Examples could include using blindfolds so a person cannot see, earplugs so a person cannot hear, or a speculated tank that almost completely eliminates all sensory input. To some this may seem utterly absurd, however, there are some rather interesting results that come out of this. As a warning, it is best to limit sensory deprivation to a short period of time. Prolonged (and forced) deprivation of the senses can lead to anxiety, hallucinations, and even depression.

When in a state of limited or no external stimuli you are left with nothing but your thoughts. Essentially what transpires as your body becomes accustomed to the lack of stimuli is the centers of your brain that are responsible for stress begin to relax. Additionally, the chemicals responsible for stress are produced less. With that newfound relaxation, the regions of your brain responsible for creativity can become more active (not being inhibited by stress)

Sensory deprivation can have some interesting benefits beyond reducing stress. Other things it can aid with is the reduction of anxiety and improved problem-solving skills. Sensory deprivation can also aid musicians with technical ability. To put the concept of deprivation of the senses into perspective, think of it like this: each day we are constantly examining and interpreting the world around us, scanning for threats thinking about tasks we have to do, etc. Depriving one of outside stimuli removes that cognitive load and allows the mind to rest making it easier to work on mental tasks (like problem-solving). It’s a bit like going to sleep unsure how to solve a problem and waking up with the solution. During your sleep, your brain was still working on coming up with a solution to the problem, and because it was not bogged down by external stimuli it was able to find a solution.

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