The Quality Key
The Quality Key

A Singer Who Overcame Vocal Cord Paralysis

Vocal cord paralysis is exactly what it sounds like, it is when the vocal folds (more commonly known as vocal cords) are unable to move. Vocal cord paralysis can impact one or both vocal cords It is typically caused by nerve damage (from things like strokes, inflammation, and tumors). This type of paralysis can greatly impact a person’s daily life in so many ways. In addition to potentially hindering one’s ability to speak, it can also have some truly terrifying side effects. For example, coughing and sneezing may no longer be effective for a person who is suffering from vocal cord paralysis, this may lead to a buildup of fluids and maybe even infections.

There are a number of treatments for vocal cord paralysis, but the treatment method largely depends on the cause of the paralysis. With some of the treatment, one can recover their voice. There was on a case about a woman by the name of Andrea Densley, who was a talented singer. She had surgery to remove a small bungle of cancerous cells. Although the surgery was considered a success Andrea Densley still struggled to speak above a whisper and her ability to sing was greatly impacted. It was after this experience Andrea dived into scripture and looked to prayer and spirituality.

It was almost a year after her life-altering experiences, that Andrea decided to be brave and asked to sing as part of a jazz band. On the night of the event Andrea’s singing was so beautiful she received a standing ovation. Struggles and troubling times don’t serve to break you, they serve to make you stronger so that your story might inspire others to push past their hardships. Even if things don’t turn out exactly the way you plan, don’t give up and don’t lose hope!

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