The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Singing can help you make friends

Friendships are a special and important part of human interaction. Friends can do a whole host of things such as helping to stave off depression and loneliness. Having people, you can lean on makes going through life that much easier. It may come as no surprise, but research shows that having friends can be good for maintaining both our mental and physical health.

The time we spend with friends can be among the most significant in our lives. the process of friends can be an exciting yet nerve wracking endeavor. There are many ways to do this. Simple acts such as sharing a meal with someone can do wonders for strengthening bonds. Did you know you can make fast friends with someone by singing with them? While many friendships are built upon different things. Singing with someone makes it easier to start a friendship with that person.

Most people may be nervous about singing in front of others, however, if they can get past that the results can prove to be quirt rewarding. Singing with a complete stranger is a fantastic ice breaker as it forces the inhibitions of the parties involved to dissipate. Singing creates an air of vulnerability. As you and the person you want to become friends with sing more you both will start to feel more comfortable. In that, the small bud of a comfort and familiarity will start to form. In short, you’ll feel closer to the person you’re singing with as you gain shared experiences.

When making a new friend those uncomfortable moments, like missing a note or singing off key can become a fantastic memory to laugh and poke fun at later.
So, go join in a song with someone, who knows you may just make a lifelong friend.

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