The Quality Key
The Quality Key

The Impact of Music on Nonauditory Cells

Studies have shown the impacts of music on health, such as using music to aid in brain functionality or using music to help someone relax, however, many of these studies involve how music interacts with your brain and auditory system. So, today’s question is if music impacts nonauditory cells.
In a previous blog, we talked about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on how frequency impacts both water and the crystal structures that form when said water was frozen. The study found that depending on the frequency the water was exposed to determine the shape of the crystalline structure. However, that dealt with some of the potential impacts of music on water. Today we will be exploring a similar concept but instead, we will be examining what research says about the impacts on human cells.
A research article entitled ‘Exposure to Music Alters Cell Viability and Cell Motility of Human Nonauditory Cells in Culture’ by Nathalia R. Lestard and Marcia A. M. Capella had some interesting results regarding the growth and visibility of breast cancer cells when exposed to music. In their study, they found that breast cancer cells responded in a multitude of ways. For example, when exposed to a musical composition by Mozart the visibility of some cells was reduced. When exposed to compositions by Mozart and Beethoven some cells were inhibited. The results of this particular research suggest that there is a response on a cellular level to music and perhaps even sound in general.

The result of this and subsequent research could open an entirely new door to music therapy. Because it suggests there may be a relationship between cell growth and death. Naturally more research on this topic is needed before any definitive conclusions can be made, but it does present some questions about the covert consequences of what we are exposed to.

Check out this link if you wish to read the article mentioned in this blog: file:///C:/Users/littlemomma/Downloads/6849473.pdf

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