The Quality Key
The Quality Key

A Few Unique things about Music

There are many fascinating things about music from how it can impact your blood pressure and heart rate, to how some elements of music are shared with universal concepts. It seems like the more we learn about the power of music the more there is to discover as well here are a few more things about music that you may find interesting.
Have you ever gotten a ‘chill’ when you listen to music? There may actually be a link between people who get these ‘musical chills’ and generosity. In a 2014 study, the individuals who listened to music that gave them the chills displayed more generous behaviors when exposed to the music prior to performing a task than those not exposed to the music. On the subject of music chills, it turns out that some people are more likely to get them than others. In particular, adults who are open to gaining new experiences may be more likely to get music chills.
Moving from music chills to new life, one study found that exposing premature babies to lullabies had some positive benefits for them, such as increased caloric intake, breathing, and a lower heart rate.  In fact, music therapy can even decrease the amount of time a premature baby spends in the NICU.
Lastly, Music has been shown to improve the immune system. This could be for a variety of factors, one of which is that music can lower anxiety. Anxiety can be the cause of several disorders, having a safe and reliable coping method, such as listening to music, can go a long way to keeping you healthy.
There is a lot to music that we still don’t fully grasp, but for all its benefits we do know that music is good for people and pretty much everything that inhabits this planet regardless of whether it is capable of actually hearing or not.

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