The Quality Key
The Quality Key

What does it take to be a musician?

Some say talent, others say drive however one thing is for certain regardless of what is on the first item on your list of traits one needs to have to be a talented musician ‘work’ will likely be on that list in some form.
Roy L. Smith once said, “Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.” No matter how talented a person is; if they want to be good at something then the discipline to keep at it will be key to future success. While a natural talent in music will no doubt help if you want to become a musician it is not wise to overlook the work and effort it takes to make those dreams a reality.

Something else that will be useful to aspiring musicians is to be patient with themselves and try to remain positive. Everyone starts off as a noob. You can’t expect yourself to walk into something you’ve never done before and do everything perfectly. You are going to make mistakes and that’s okay. With each mistake made you will learn more and who knows you may even invent a new musical style from messing up. Also be patient with yourself. It will take some time to see results but if you keep at it and put in an honest effort little by little they will start to come to light.

Experience is your friend. Id being a musician is something you really want to do then practice as much as you can, every day preferably. If you keep at it then you’ll start to see results. It’s a bit like math homework. Typically you are assigned so much of it but if you’ve been practicing and learning from your mistakes when doing your homework then when test day comes you’ll be prepared.

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