The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Writing songs

Music lyrics are a lot like poetry. When you first start writing you may find yourself depending more on how you feel as opposed to techniques. This is perfectly normal. Experience plays a large role in developing techniques as you’ll have a better understanding of what does and doesn’t work for you. What made you want to write the song? Hold on to that feeling and let it propel your actions and strengthen your resolve till you reach the finish line.
One thing that will help you create a good song is relatability, and if nothing else many humans can relate to feelings. Whether it’s frustration about not knowing what to, write to joy at having completed your first project, using emotions to fuel your work can be a great first step in getting something down.
Many great songs are based on the experiences of the writer. If you are having trouble selecting a topic, writing about one of your experiences can be a fantastic place to start. Your experiences are unique to you so even if you’re writing about the same topic as another your song may resonate differently with your audience. Other good topics are interests, passions, or lessons you’ve learned, pretty much anything you feel strongly about. Chances are if you feel strongly about something it will be far more unlikely that you’ll run out of things to say. There is no limit to the creativity a single mind can hold and express. If you are having difficulty coming up with what to write you can always take a break and return to it later.
You may not have to write as formally as you were taught in school. Naturally, this will depend on the type of song that you are writing. However, it’s okay to break the rules a bit. You are the creator of your work as an artist you don’t have to be bound by any one method or technique.

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