The Quality Key
The Quality Key

Anonymous Music Artists


There are people in all fields and professions who want to maintain their privacy, and musicians are of course, no different. Remaining anonymous is not uncommon and very simple to do with the advances in technology. Streaming sites make it easy for anyone to share their music without making it necessary to expose their identity.

The reason a musician may choose to remain anonymous can vary from one person to the next. Perhaps they do not want their personal lives in view of everyone. Maybe they are trying to keep their family and loved ones from the spotlight. Some people may feel that by hiding their identity, they are eliminating the risk of personal criticism, and can be judged purely for their work. Another reason a person may choose anonymity is to have a greater separation between their work life and their personal life.

Either way, there are some pros and cons of being an anonymous musician. For example, on the one hand, you maintain a sense of privacy; however, it may be more difficult to promote yourself. Many people want to attach a face to a voice. Additionally, authenticity and transparency go hand in hand. If you remain, an anonymous musician people may find you inauthentic.

There have been some of the anonymous and successful magicians such as Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Because of the world we live in now maintaining anonymity, long term may be difficult, and artists may opt to reveal their identity at some point in time. Ultimately, no matter what you choose to do realize that you are valuable and no more inauthentic than anyone else (regardless of whether or not you choose to reveal your identity).  Go with whichever is the most comfortable option for you and don’t worry too much about the opinions of others.

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