The Quality Key
The Quality Key

The Connection Between Genetics and Musical Talent

Our genetics make up who we are, on so many levels. It can determine our hair and eye color, how easy or difficult it is for us to gain or lose weight, and, though perhaps a bit unexpected, our overall musical ability.

While many of us want to believe that we can achieve musical greatness through hard work and commitment to practice, there may be other factors at play that influence one’s musical prowess. Similar to athleticism being linked to genetics, so too is musical talent. Genetics may impact our ability to detect changes in pitch, distinguish melodies, and may even affect the time it takes for us to learn a new skill.

One intriguing study published by the journal of Psychological Science found that genetics impacted crucial elements about our personality, like our motivation to play and learn music. Naturally, a person with a higher motivational drive would find greater success in music. More practice would not strictly impact one’s ability to play music.

This is not to say that practicing is without its benefits. Practicing reinforces learning and can build memory and strong neurological connections. While we can’t attribute all musical talent to practice, it’s still essential. Raw talent alone can only take you so far; at some point, the effort will need to be put into the task for growth and improvement to flourish.

In the words of Patrick Rothfuss, “Music is a proud, temperamental mistress. Give her the time and attention she deserves, and she is yours. Slight her, and there will come a day when you call, and she will not answer. So, I began sleeping less to give her the time she needed.” If you want to grow and become a better musician, spend time with your music.

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